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Do you want to offer a unique gift to someone you love, a work created just for them, for him or for yourself, in order to celebrate an event or enhance a space?


This “GIFT CARD FOR AN ORIGINAL CREATION” is an invitation to an artistic encounter between an art lover and MEIUN CAROLINE MABY, from whom you are ordering the creation of a personalized work.


It is up to the beneficiary - or yourself - to motivate their desire, to initiate the impulse, to light the spark: a light emotion, a deep thought, a crazy energy, a cherished portrait, a vibrant memory, a landscape hypnotic, a trait of philosophy, a line of poetry?


MABY is looking forward to collecting this imaginary sketch and work according to your vision and assignements.




Vous souhaitez offrir un cadeau unique à quelqu'un que vous aimez, une oeuvre créée rien que pour elle, pour lui ou pour vous-même, afin de célébrer un évènement ou magnifier un espace ?


Cette "CARTE CADEAU POUR UNE CRÉATION ORIGINALE" est une invitation à une rencontre artistique entre un amateur d'art et MEIUN CAROLINE MABY, à qui vous commandez ici la réalisation d'une oeuvre personnalisée.


Au bénéficiaire - ou à vous-même - de motiver son envie, d'initier l'impulsion, d'allumer l'étincelle : une émotion légère, une pensée profonde, une énergie folle, un portrait cher, un souvenir vibrant, un paysage hypnotique, un trait de philosophie, une ligne de poésie ?


MABY est impatiente de recueillir cette esquisse imaginaire et de travailler selon votre fil directeur ...


Sales Tax Included

This “GIFT CARD” concerns: an original signed creation | Realized with love in mixed media (pencils, glued paper, gouache, inks, pastels...) on handmade art paper


Format: 12" 1/8 x 15" 3/4 in. | Delivered unframed.

Any other format is available on request.


Do not hesitate to CONTACT THE ARTIST for any special project, from small formats to monumental triptychs.



Cette "CARTE CADEAU" concerne: une création originale signée | Réalisée avec amour en techniques mixtes (crayons, papiers collés, gouache, encres, pastels...) sur papier d'art.  


Format "Écolier": 31 x 40 cm | Livrée non encadrée.

Tout autre format est disponible sur demande.


N'hésitez pas à CONTACTER L'ARTISTE pour tout projet spécial, du petit format au triptyque monumental.


Thank you! We will be in touch soon... : )

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Meiun Caroline Maby | Dharma Artist

E-Gallery & Sale




Art • Strology


​© 2024 Meiun Caroline Maby

Atelier MABY  

Artiste plasticienne indépendante | Professionnelle affiliée à la Maison des Artistes — N° ordre : M 746 617

Entreprise individuelle, Siret : 488 047 523 00011 — naf : 90.03a — N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR40488047523

© 2024 Maby -  All rights reserved

MEIUN* CAROLINE MABY (b. 1973, France) is a Dharma artist.

​A meditating painter, her commitment to the path of Zen and her practice of Dzogchen are the fundamental underlying elements of her work.

A free spirit, she likes to bring teams together and carry out her projects beyond borders, both to respond to large-scale artistic commissions and to carry out her social action missions.

Her discipline and hard work are a key to her creative independence.

MEIUN CAROLINE MABY loves challenges and working on a commissioned work represents a dive into a creative absolute that she adores: surprising, celebrating, inspiring, thrilling... become the leitmotifs of every moment, from the first beat of awakening until last brush stroke at the end at dusk.

From her humanitarian experience, she maintains a major concern for the rights of the child. A commitment to the protection of nature and biodiversity is another common thread in his work.

The studio activity supports her action in the field. The latter also becomes a source of inspiration. Thus, the interaction between the two spheres, creative and humanist, is permanent.

MEIUN CAROLINE MABY today devotes herself entirely to painting, Buddhist study and the direction of the association ELOVUTION which she founded in order to promote the virtues of art among disadvantaged audiences, notably children of Himalayan world.

She works in her studio in Saint-Malo, on the Emerald Coast, northern Brittany.

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