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Meiun Caroline Maby | Dharma Artist





If her gaze is often contemplating the clouds, MEIUN CAROLINE MABY loves to watch beyond at night.


She has been studying astrology (traditional, horary, astrocartography…) for decades and as a visual artist, her encounter with the technics of ‘Local space’ was decisive. 


In constant motion, the cosmos has visible and subtle influences on nature, mood, life… MEIUN CAROLINE MABY can tell, she was born and lives in Saint-Malo, the city that has the highest tides in Europe; Water can rise 13 meters over the course of six hours on either full or new moon.

Further than that, our natal theme also has a strong imprint on the way we inhabit this world. Undoubtedly, there is a connection between the sky and the terrestrial space; Astrology charts (birth, synastry, event…) hold a very unique pulsation that resonates with the place we live or work in. 

The science supporting that postulate is a pretty recent branch of astrology called "Local space". Local space gives us the opportunity to relate with the space around us on the horizon coordinate system (compass), pay attention to and even fulfill planetary appeals on a personal level.


By refining our inner perception of the outside world, we may truly change our life paradigm and its unfolding.

The proper energy of the painting also vibrates like a Deva and comes into resonance with the language of the planets. The direction of the wall on which we hang a painting matters.

MEIUN CAROLINE MABY can integrate the beat of your astrology chart in her creative process and paint according to a specific biais of the theme that you may wish to emphasize, soothe or celebrate…

Several patrons and commissioners have already been willing to enhance a particularity of their astro theme that has been studied in the studio in order to support a business, honor a marriage, vitalize a quality, invite new sparkles in their place… It has always been a very relevant and powerful collaborative experience.


Would you like to listen to the symbolic whisper of the planets and see it be manifested in colors and shapes in a very personal way, MEIUN CAROLINE MABY is ready to receive the message of the cosmos and translate it for you, in tune with the place where the painting is intended. This is a complementary proposal.

Local space is another beautiful way to connect heaven and earth and this is precisely all what the work of MEIUN CAROLINE MABY is about.





Thank you! We will be in touch soon... : )

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Meiun Caroline Maby | Dharma Artist

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Art • Strology


​© 2024 Meiun Caroline Maby

Atelier MABY  

Artiste plasticienne indépendante | Professionnelle affiliée à la Maison des Artistes — N° ordre : M 746 617

Entreprise individuelle, Siret : 488 047 523 00011 — naf : 90.03a — N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR40488047523

© 2024 Maby -  All rights reserved

MEIUN* CAROLINE MABY (b. 1973, France) is a Dharma artist.

​A meditating painter, her commitment to the path of Zen and her practice of Dzogchen are the fundamental underlying elements of her work.

A free spirit, she likes to bring teams together and carry out her projects beyond borders, both to respond to large-scale artistic commissions and to carry out her social action missions.

Her discipline and hard work are a key to her creative independence.

MEIUN CAROLINE MABY loves challenges and working on a commissioned work represents a dive into a creative absolute that she adores: surprising, celebrating, inspiring, thrilling... become the leitmotifs of every moment, from the first beat of awakening until last brush stroke at the end at dusk.

From her humanitarian experience, she maintains a major concern for the rights of the child. A commitment to the protection of nature and biodiversity is another common thread in his work.

The studio activity supports her action in the field. The latter also becomes a source of inspiration. Thus, the interaction between the two spheres, creative and humanist, is permanent.

MEIUN CAROLINE MABY today devotes herself entirely to painting, Buddhist study and the direction of the association ELOVUTION which she founded in order to promote the virtues of art among disadvantaged audiences, notably children of Himalayan world.

She works in her studio in Saint-Malo, on the Emerald Coast, northern Brittany.

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